Running for the Black Dog Institute

This September 18th, I'm running over the Sydney Harbour Bridge. It's a 9 km run as part of the Blackmores Running Festival - yes, some people are doing a marathon but you've got to start where you are! I'm coming back from injury and doing this run for 2 reasons - first, to prove to myself that I can, and second, to raise money for the Black Dog Institute. They do great work in mental health, particularly depression and bipolar disorder. You can donate here - help me blitz my target of $1,000!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The poshest pantry on the Peninsula

So last night I went to a charity dinner put on by my wonderful friend Tanya Caldwell-Eyles and her friend Wendy. They are climbing Mt Kilimanjaro to raise money for Cure Cancer Australia - who fund researchers looking for a cure for the big (hopefully soon to be little) C. Last night they would have raised well over $50,000 and their fundraising page so far has nearly $9,000 of donations with a target of $50,000.  

Which makes my little $1K look a bit, well, piss-anty. Still, they ARE climbing the highest mountain in Africa whereas I am hurling myself 9km around a spectacularly beautiful track, probably followed by heading off somewhere for a hot shower and a tasty lunch.

But you know what? The Black Dog Institute's work is also incredibly important, and everyone's generosity in donating is so great - I am really grateful. A big thanks to those of you that have donated so far. Fantastic!  All donations big and small are very, very welcome. You can add your 2 cents (or $100K - go on -it's just sitting there in your bank account doing nothing) here.

Something I learned last night: turns out it's not the wine that makes me bid like crazy on silent auction items.  I last had a drink on new year's eve but I also have an incredibly massive David Jones hamper in the boot of the car! So if you want to sample some fancy but totally unnecessary condiments, come to our place over the next couple of months.

Anyway, I encourage you to donate to Tanya and Wendy's mission. They want a cure for cancer, nothing less.

Back to my run, today I did Day 1 of Week 4 of the Couch to 5K: Jog 3 mins, walk 90 secs, jog 5 mins, walk 2.5 mins, jog 3 mins, walk 90 secs, jog 5 mins. Fitness-wise the runs are fine but my right ankle is playing up again - even in the silly shoes. Could have been the bitumen running track.  Scenery was beautiful though - sunrise in the wonderful Centennial Park.

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