Running for the Black Dog Institute

This September 18th, I'm running over the Sydney Harbour Bridge. It's a 9 km run as part of the Blackmores Running Festival - yes, some people are doing a marathon but you've got to start where you are! I'm coming back from injury and doing this run for 2 reasons - first, to prove to myself that I can, and second, to raise money for the Black Dog Institute. They do great work in mental health, particularly depression and bipolar disorder. You can donate here - help me blitz my target of $1,000!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Maddie Hobbles to the Couch

Hi there

Well, despite the online silence I have in fact been training quite hard.  I have really got my fitness up and the last few weekends have run up to 9 km.  However, you - with your excellent powers of deduction and having taken in the title of this post and the picture - will have arrived at the accurate conclusion that all is not peachy creamy in my running campaign. Again. Sigh.

Yes, I went for a run on Saturday (7.5km, if you're interested) and stupidly ignored a twinging pain in my right foot. Kids, don't run for 7.5 km while ignoring a twinging pain in your right foot.  By the end of the run the twinging pain had matured to a full blown yeoweeooowow. Turns out I have got a likely stress fracture in the 2nd metatarsal. That's the bone leading to the toe next to the big toe. It hurts. Ow.

Anyway, I'm hobbling about at the moment - can't walk on it. Should be walking again very soon, but won't be running for a while. The Bridge Run is in just under 4 weeks so I guess it's possible I could be fit again by then. I'm looking at trying deep water running, maybe next week if I'm up to it. According to a recent study at Curtin Uni (and others), it can keep your run-specific fitness well and truly up to scratch or even improve it. Basically, you get in the deep end of the pool wearing a flotation belt to hold you vertical, and then make a running motion*. Sounds idiotic. But if I can weather the social condemnation of the silly shoes, I can weather being the weirdo who runs in one place. In the pool

So for those of you who so generously donated to sponsor my run - I am working to earn that support! If I can't run, I plan to make a donation of my own to match those already made. But I'm hoping not to need to.

See you soon.

* Running motion. Running. Not runny. Got it?