Running for the Black Dog Institute

This September 18th, I'm running over the Sydney Harbour Bridge. It's a 9 km run as part of the Blackmores Running Festival - yes, some people are doing a marathon but you've got to start where you are! I'm coming back from injury and doing this run for 2 reasons - first, to prove to myself that I can, and second, to raise money for the Black Dog Institute. They do great work in mental health, particularly depression and bipolar disorder. You can donate here - help me blitz my target of $1,000!

Friday, May 20, 2011

I'm ok, you're ok, walking is ok.

So yesterday I didn't have the opportunity to go for a run. But I did do my first ever walking coaching session with a client.  The idea sprang from an earlier conversation about the links in the body and mind between movement and learning.

We walked around the stunning Sydney botanical gardens.  It was a great coaching session - we both found our brains clicking over much faster than when we're sitting in a still, small room.  And it was a decent workout too. If you're wondering - no, I didn't wear the silly shoes!

I'm staying in Sydney tonight so tomorrow morning should see me running around Centennial Park - yay!

Remember, if you haven't sponsored my run yet (and let's face it, that's the entire world bar one as at now), you can click here and help the Black Dog Institute to do its vital work in mental health!

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