Running for the Black Dog Institute

This September 18th, I'm running over the Sydney Harbour Bridge. It's a 9 km run as part of the Blackmores Running Festival - yes, some people are doing a marathon but you've got to start where you are! I'm coming back from injury and doing this run for 2 reasons - first, to prove to myself that I can, and second, to raise money for the Black Dog Institute. They do great work in mental health, particularly depression and bipolar disorder. You can donate here - help me blitz my target of $1,000!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

So, yeah, pretty disappointed.

Yep, the foot is still injured. So, I won't be running this Sunday. I am particularly sorry not to have been able to run for those who so generously donated to The Black Dog Institute. But, we will still be making a good contribution to their excellent work, so thank you for your support. Hopefully, see you next year!

Over and out.