Running for the Black Dog Institute

This September 18th, I'm running over the Sydney Harbour Bridge. It's a 9 km run as part of the Blackmores Running Festival - yes, some people are doing a marathon but you've got to start where you are! I'm coming back from injury and doing this run for 2 reasons - first, to prove to myself that I can, and second, to raise money for the Black Dog Institute. They do great work in mental health, particularly depression and bipolar disorder. You can donate here - help me blitz my target of $1,000!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Work out much?

Been travelling for work last couple of days so running has been a challenge. Gym workouts only. Here's a pic of me yesterday:

Mwahahaha. (Although, good on her - that would have taken some effort!)

More when I've actually got something to tell.

In the meantime: remember you can click here and support the vital mental health work of the Black Dog Institute. I've hit 25% of my target so far - thank you SO much to all who have donated!! Let's go for 125%...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The poshest pantry on the Peninsula

So last night I went to a charity dinner put on by my wonderful friend Tanya Caldwell-Eyles and her friend Wendy. They are climbing Mt Kilimanjaro to raise money for Cure Cancer Australia - who fund researchers looking for a cure for the big (hopefully soon to be little) C. Last night they would have raised well over $50,000 and their fundraising page so far has nearly $9,000 of donations with a target of $50,000.  

Which makes my little $1K look a bit, well, piss-anty. Still, they ARE climbing the highest mountain in Africa whereas I am hurling myself 9km around a spectacularly beautiful track, probably followed by heading off somewhere for a hot shower and a tasty lunch.

But you know what? The Black Dog Institute's work is also incredibly important, and everyone's generosity in donating is so great - I am really grateful. A big thanks to those of you that have donated so far. Fantastic!  All donations big and small are very, very welcome. You can add your 2 cents (or $100K - go on -it's just sitting there in your bank account doing nothing) here.

Something I learned last night: turns out it's not the wine that makes me bid like crazy on silent auction items.  I last had a drink on new year's eve but I also have an incredibly massive David Jones hamper in the boot of the car! So if you want to sample some fancy but totally unnecessary condiments, come to our place over the next couple of months.

Anyway, I encourage you to donate to Tanya and Wendy's mission. They want a cure for cancer, nothing less.

Back to my run, today I did Day 1 of Week 4 of the Couch to 5K: Jog 3 mins, walk 90 secs, jog 5 mins, walk 2.5 mins, jog 3 mins, walk 90 secs, jog 5 mins. Fitness-wise the runs are fine but my right ankle is playing up again - even in the silly shoes. Could have been the bitumen running track.  Scenery was beautiful though - sunrise in the wonderful Centennial Park.

Friday, May 20, 2011

I'm ok, you're ok, walking is ok.

So yesterday I didn't have the opportunity to go for a run. But I did do my first ever walking coaching session with a client.  The idea sprang from an earlier conversation about the links in the body and mind between movement and learning.

We walked around the stunning Sydney botanical gardens.  It was a great coaching session - we both found our brains clicking over much faster than when we're sitting in a still, small room.  And it was a decent workout too. If you're wondering - no, I didn't wear the silly shoes!

I'm staying in Sydney tonight so tomorrow morning should see me running around Centennial Park - yay!

Remember, if you haven't sponsored my run yet (and let's face it, that's the entire world bar one as at now), you can click here and help the Black Dog Institute to do its vital work in mental health!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Today, instead of running - and instead of working  (thanks to Rob Hart for the procrastiprefix) - I did a yoga class at the gym in Woy Woy. First one in years. 

This awesome woman is not me but you can read about her here. Her name is Bette Calman, she's 83 and teaches yoga!

Anyway, I'm not a patch on Bette but loved the yoga. Very different from the ashtanga I've tried in the past, and the room was utterly devoid of pretentiousness, which was nice. My fankles* liked it too.

*fat ankles

OMG look at her shoes!

Hi - thanks for taking a look at my running blog. I'm training up for the 9 km Sydney Harbour Bridge run in September. I began running back in about 2006 but then had to stop due to injuries. Some surgery has fixed that but I started from scratch again.
I used a fantastic phone app, Couch to 5K (C25K) which gets you from zero to running for 30 minutes over 9 weeks. It worked so well and I was up to week 8, running for 28 mins. That's about 4.5km. 
Then: shin splints. Ow! Adapted to running on grass which fixed the shin splints but totally buggered my ankles. I had huge, puff ball, painful ankles. It hurt to walk, let alone run. So to maintain fitness I faffed about on the cross trainer at the gym... but REALLY wanted to get back into running.
I did some research into barefoot running. The idea is that we are evolutionarily designed to run barefoot, and that all the enhancements to running shoes these days actually make our gait ineffective, and shortens/atrophies all the wrong muscles and tendons. I was willing to give it a go so invested in a pair of bizarre looking Vibram FiveFingers shoes (see pic below). They are designed to allow the natural movement of your foot while protecting from the road surface.

Having not run for a few weeks, I decided to introduce them gradually. Because the C25K program gets harder week by week, I've decided to try running day 1 of week 1, rest day to see how I feel, then day 1 of week 2 etc. Yesterday I did day 1 of week 3 (jog 90 seconds, walk 90 seconds, jog 3 minutes, walk 3 minutes and repeat once) and for the first time my ankles are a little sore again today. I won't have another opportunity to run until Saturday morning, so we'll see how they settle with just some gentle walks over the next couple of days.

All I need to do is get over the self consciousness! As a school bus went past me yesterday, a grop of girls peered out the window in horror and I could see them gasping "OMG! Look at her SHOES!". Yes, I am the freaky lady who runs around our change-averse neighbourhood in duck shoes. But they feel GREAT.